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Did you know it's possible to get real-world experience and even certification in a career of your choice while in high school?

Many of the options we can provide while you're at Pinnacle are free or extremely low cost. These programs may give you resume-boosting experience or even certification in a career of your choice so you can get a head start while you further your education a post-secondary institution.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a premiere educational delivery system, incorporating academic rigor and technical standards along with critical thinking and essential workplace skills. Problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and leadership are all core components of our CTE programs.

To ensure college and career success for its students, CTE reflects the modern workplace. CTE partners with employers to design and provide high-quality, dynamic programs. The program offerings are aligned to current, emerging, and projected labor market needs. Students also can earn industry recognized certifications and college credits while still in high school.

CTE is delivered through comprehensive programs of study aligned to the National Career Clusters Framework. This framework encompasses 16 career clusters, which then branch out to 81 career pathways and hundreds of different career opportunities along these pathways.

We have multiple programs of study at Pinnacle: