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Dr. Chad Smith

Dr. Chad Smith


We are so excited to start the new school year and plan to provide you with lots of new, positive opportunities to learn, grow and discover your passion. Pinnacle High has established a tradition of excellence, built upon the belief that hard work, dedication and commitment form the foundation of success. At Pinnacle, we believe that providing students with a unique and valuable educational experience is our number one priority. 

It is a tremendous honor and privilege to work alongside such a wonderful faculty, staff, students, and parents that make up the Pinnacle community. Our school is most certainly a unique and special place - a true academic community made better by all those who have gone before us.  

Although your plans after high school may still be unclear, it is important to remember that every choice you make about your classes and activities will have an influence on not only who you will become, but perhaps where you will end up.  Therefore, choose wisely and take advantage of every opportunity that Pinnacle has to offer.  It is important that students become involved in the various programs, academies, athletics, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities available at PHS. All students are encouraged to seek out experiences that match their talents and interests. These positive experiences help students develop their self-confidence, build their “Pinnacle Pride,” and feel connected with their school.  

It is important to remember, however, that you are not alone on this journey.  The amazing staff and faculty at Pinnacle believe in you and will be right behind you each and every step of the way.  Pinnacle High School is truly extraordinary, not only because of our fine tradition of academic, athletic, and co-curricular success, but because our students and families truly care about our school. At Pinnacle High, we encourage parents, grandparents, and extended family to play a positive role in our student’s future. The more involvement we have by our community, the greater the success we will all experience.  Together, we can accomplish great things.  

On behalf of our faculty and staff members, we extend an enthusiastic welcome to all of our students and families.  We look forward to working with each of you this coming year. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the PHS administrative team - we are here to serve you!

Thank you for your support of Pinnacle High School.

Go Pioneers!

Patrick Hurley

Patrick Hurley

Andrew Maldonado

Andrew Maldonado

Katie Pena

Katie Pena