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Family Involvement

There are many ways for you to support students, staff and programs at schools right across Paradise Valley Unified School District.

Whether it's a monetary Tax Credit donation, tax-deductible donation to the PV Schools Education Foundation or simply volunteering your time–either in the classroom or with our many parent groups–you'll make a difference to the education of tomorrow's leaders.

Parents of Pinnacle (POP)

Parents of Pinnacle (POP) is the main booster club on the Pinnacle High School campus.

Visit the POP website

United Parent Council (UPC)

UPC is a district-wide parent group that has been active in Paradise Valley Unified School District for more than 30 years and is a 501(c)(3) organization. Looking out for the interest of students is our primary goal. We do this by offering parents support, information, and opportunities to be influential voices in the decisions that affect their children's education.

Learn More About UPC