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The bookstore located in the B building toward the back of the ITC (Information Technology Center).

Important Information

  • Class fees are due during the semester in which the student participates.
  • Students visiting the bookstore must have a school ID to checkout books.
  • All books are due no later than the end of the school year in which the book was checked out.
  • Students will be charged for items not returned.
  • Do not give checked out items to another person to return.
  • Seniors must return all items and pay all fees prior to graduation.


If you visit us in person, we accept check, cash, and credit card.

Online payments can be made through the PVSchools Payment Portal.

payment portal

Lost and Found

  • Items lost or found by another person will be placed in the bookstore. Feel free to come by and claim any missing item.
  • Lost and found items will be donated at the end of the school year.

Bookstore Hours

Monday through Friday

7:00 am to 1:30 pm


Bookstore Manager

Bertha Muniz


Bookstore Clerk

Julisa Salas